Thursday, May 21, 2020

Impact Of Globalization On The World Of Today s World

Throughout the globalized world of today’s time, the share and flow of information, language, culture, social issues, media, and economic policy is a norm. There is a flow of these factors because of such technologies as the internet and transit solutions like the passenger aircraft that allow both information and people to move around the world instantly or at least at a fraction of the time information used to move, which in turn has created globalization itself and all of the consequences that come with it. Perhaps one of the most studied consequences of globalization is the motivations of and consequences of moving information and consumer goods around the world in terms of what it means for hegemonic powers, developing nations, cultural populations and economic systems. Two theories that are directly related to this balance and imbalance of power in terms of capitalism and consumerism include cultural imperialism, or the tendency of stronger nations to push their cultural identities and patterns onto weaker nations, and the dependency theory, which posits that the flow of information, money and power moves into a centralized group of developed nations and away from the surrounding developing nations in terms of benefit and detriment (Rothkopf, 1997) (Golding Harris, 1996). The intention of this paper is to examine the Pepsi â€Å"Live for Now† campaign of 2012-present as a case study for the dependency theory, specifically the focus of public engagement as a means throughShow MoreRelatedModern Day Society : The Legacies Of Historical Globalization1253 Words   |  6 PagesModern day society is built from legacies of historical globalization. It should be recognized that some legacies were not the most positive, and that every legacy of historical globalization affects us today. It has been heavily debated that to what extent should we dwell on the legacies of historical globalization. Some people believe that it is necessary to dwell on events of the past. Yet others say that it is the past, and our current society functions normally without it. While contemporaryRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effect On Globalization882 Words   |  4 Pagesevaluate the effect of globalization in transit the business work. Globalisation alludes to the procedure of connection and joining among the general population, organizations and additionally administrations of nations around the globe, especially as far as exchange, venture and innovation. The procedure of globalisation, impacts affects the earth, society, political frameworks, financial advancements, thriving and human physical prosperity in the social orders the world over. It is trusted thatRead MoreImpact Of Globalisation On The Way The Business Operate854 Words   |  4 PagesGlobalisation and assess the impact of globalisation on the way the business operate. Globalisation refers to the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies as well as governments of countries around the world, particularly in terms of trade, investment and technology. The process of globalisation, has profound impacts on the environment, culture, political systems, economic developments, prosperity and human physical well-being in the societies around the world. It is believed thatRead MoreThe Effect of Globalization on Fashion with Special Reference to the Impact of Japanese Designs on the European Scene1527 Words   |  7 Pageseffect of ‘Globalization’ on fashion with special reference to the impact of Japanese designs on the European scene. The definition of globalisation is quite complex and extremely controversial. However globalization with reference to the fashion industry helps defines the development of what has been termed as „world fashion‟. Preferred garments of young people is quite often the same. A phenomenon made possible by the exploitative mechanisms of globalization. The globalization of clothingRead MoreAnalyze the Effects of Globalization on Native-No Western Cultural Practices1545 Words   |  7 PagesGLT1 Task 1 Analyze the effects of globalization on native-no Western cultural practices Issues in Behavioral Science Jamie B BSN 06/18/2014 Western Governor’s University In this essay, I will discuss the matter of Globalization of two nations, South Korea and India. Globalization can be defined as, in simple terms, as the process of making something, anything available worldwide. It is a collaboration between countries, exchanging goods, services, workers, ideas, and even culture, whichRead MoreThe Effect of Globalization on Fashion with Special Reference to the Impact of Japanese Designs on the European Scene1521 Words   |  7 Pagesthe effect of ‘Globalization’ on fashion with special reference to the impact of Japanese designs on the European scene. The definition of globalisation is quite complex and extremely controversial. However globalization with reference to the fashion industry helps defines the development of what has been termed as „world fashion‟. Preferred garments of young people is quite often the same. A phenomenon made possible by the exploitative mechanisms of globalization. The globalization of clothing manufactureRead MoreGlobalization And Its Effect On Society1240 Words   |  5 PagesGlobalization and the use of new technologies and how it strengthens or weakens global inequalities Globalization is a very important force in the new world and it continues to impact the lives of individuals as well as groups world over. The role and affect of globalization has broadened over time. It has resulted in the lessening of trade barriers, integration of the economy of the world, increase in opportunities for groups and individuals alike and an increase in the economic well being andRead MoreEffect Of Globalization On Neediness Essay1164 Words   |  5 Pagesexcluded, left behind in squalor . . . (Annan 2000). In spite of the fact that the correct effect of globalization on neediness is exceptionally hard to evaluate, look into assessments demonstrate that destitution has expanded by 82 million, 14 million, and 8 million in sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean separately. Investigating this, globalization itself can t be considered in charge of the vast majority of the neediness in creating nations as differentRead MoreRelatio nship Between An Organization, Its Environment And Affiliation1425 Words   |  6 PagesAffiliation To Globalization In Today s Modern Economy. This paper depends on association s inner and outer environment in today s present day economy. It likewise talks about the drivers of globalization and impacts of globalization on association s surroundings. Firstly, it is critical to comprehend the meaning of globalization as there are numerous definitions. Besides, the drivers of globalization are talked about in this exposition including the history, point and part of World Trade OrganizationRead MoreDr. Finely s Views On Educational Globalization1495 Words   |  6 PagesEducation and Culture Exchange Foundation based in Nanjing, China. The purpose of the interview was to discuss Dr. Finely s professional views on educational globalization and the changes taking place in classrooms around the world. In this paper, Dr. Finely’s responses related to globalization will be analyzed to ascertain if he regards the phenomenon of educational globalization as a positive or negative development. Dr. Finely touched on various topics such as mobility, cultural awareness, adequate

Monday, May 18, 2020

Debate Rebuttal - In class critical debate - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 938 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Complementary Therapies Have a Place in Cancer Treatment Complementary therapies contribute significantly to the treatment of cancer in numerous respects. Based on many research works, Complementary Therapy has been proven to be cheap, risk-free, and effective supplement to usual medical treatment of cancer. It is primarily meant to complement rather than entirely cure, a concept that has been controversial to many critics of CT as they base their argumentations on it. The strengths of Complementary Therapy base themselves each in its own right on some factors as discussed in this essay. One of the key positive factors that CT bases itself on is cost factor. Complementary therapy practices are considerably inexpensive in most parts of the world. A 2014 study confirms that conventional medical care is multiple times more expensive than complementary therapy. The acquisition of diagnostic and therapeutic facilities for complementary therapy requires less funds than affording facilities for standard medical treatment. Some of its practices such as acupuncture can be implemented by the use of home-made facilities. The cost-effectiveness of CT substantiates its capacity in cancer treatment efficiency. In nearly all cancer conditions, CT and alternative medicine prove the most efficient in matters regarding affordability. As such, they are affective in alleviating the baggage of extraordinary costs on the patient. Based on the cancer condition under consideration some, require little or no insurance intervention. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that CT plays a significan t role in the treatment of cancer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Debate Rebuttal In class critical debate" essay for you Create order Substantial evidence has been garnered to prove the effectiveness of CT practices. When complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage and homeopathy supplement standard medical treatment for breast cancer, they mitigate any side effects of the treatment. Based on surveys conducted with numerous women afflicted with breast cancer, Complementary Therapy has been proven to pace down the rate of cancer development, relieve pain and symptoms and prevent possible side effects of usual medical treatment. Complementary therapy enables one regain composure of oneself and mental stability which are important aspects for one to heal completely from cancer. It also boosts the body’s positive response to normal treatment. The most success has been attributed to aromatherapy, acupuncture and meditation. Since the advent of the popularity of CT in China, many recovery cases have been realized transcending the success of standard medical care. Complementary therapies have no negative impact on one’s health since they are primarily natural in practice. This is unlike usual medical treatment which poses possible negative effects on an individual’s health. Most research findings on CT indicate that the general public would opt for both conventional treatment and complementary treatment. Such is due to the fact that medical treatment in its own healing capacities still has potential side effects that can be alleviated by complementary therapy. Since most patients and physicians embrace both, it is indisputable that CT plays a considerable role in the treatment of cancer. Further to this, the research works also state that most people resort to complementary therapy due to the unreliability of explanations made for standard medical care. Therefore, In cases where Complementary Therapy performs less effectively than anticipated, placebos which work similarly to CT are recommended. They are usually in the form of pills and enhance the cancer patient’s psychological wellbeing which plays a vital role in improving the effect of treatment. Unlike Complementary Therapy which benefits the patient both physiologically and psychologically, placebos only affect them psychologically. Both are, but not equally, effective in quickening recovery and mitigation of normal treatment side effects. Usually, the prime focus of normal treatment is the predominant condition rather than the root cause in reflection to the patient’s quality and way of life. In the long run, it proves partially effective since it obviates the primary cause of cancer which is better handled by Complementary Therapy and alternative medicine.   Therefore, the fact of CT being better focused in cancer treatment than normal treatment makes it indispensable i n the fight against cancer. It is a considerable source of hope for many cancer patients because it entails concern for the patient’s overall well-being rather than just treatment. Most remarkable medical institutions that have employed complementary therapy have achieved significant success in improving the efficacy of normal treatment. CT is primarily meant for supplementing treatment rather than curing. Most critics base their arguments on the incapacity of CT to completely cure not realizing that it should be regarded as supplementary. This renders their argumentations as an indirect support of Complementary Therapy since their basis of criticism does not address what the practice is mainly meant for. Complementary Therapy services hasten recovery when employed appropriately and for the right purposes as evidenced in most notable medical institutions. CT being a multi-faceted discipline with its number of benefits surpassing the downside, it should be incorporated into the curriculum for medical studies regarding the treatment of cancer. Besides, critics should acquire sufficient knowledge of Complementary Therapy prior to developing any argumentations oppo sing it. Upon gaining sufficient knowledge and understanding of the prime role of CT, they will realize it is an integral part of cancer treatment owing to its capacity to enhance efficacy. Thus, it is conclusive that Complementary Therapy has a place in the treatment of cancer. It is widely practiced in many well-established medical institutions and considerable success has been achieved in improving cancer treatment processes. With respect to its cost-effectiveness, efficiency and general acceptance alongside normal treatment, it should be broadly implemented in medical learning institutions and hospitals. Sufficient evidence through numerous cases of recovery is a great tribute to CT. It is the unbeaten supplementation to conventional treatment of cancer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Time Value of Money - 1028 Words

Abstract The first steps toward understanding the relationship between the value of dollars today and that of dollars in the future is by looking at how funds invested will grow over time. This understanding will allow one to answer such questions as; how much should be invested today to produce a specified future sum of money? Time Value of Money In most cases, borrowing money is not free, unless it is a fiver for lunch from a friend. Interest is the cost of borrowing money. An interest rate is the cost stated as a percent of the amount borrowed per a period of time, usually one year. The current market rates are composed of three items. The Real Rate of Interest is what compensates lenders for postponing their own spending†¦show more content†¦Opportunity cost is a basic term from the disciplines of economics and accounting. The acceptable definition of the term is, The advantage forgone as the result of the acceptance of an alternative. For example, the opportunity cost of a single glass of beer is about $7.00. The generally accepted Opportunity Cost factor, including inflation, is 6.7. Therefore, that $1.00 glass of beer cost the buyer about $7.00 in future earnings. Opportunity cost is an important concept in financial decision-making. There is a useful rule of thumb for incorporating opportunity cost into financial decision-making. If faced with a spend-or-invest trade-off and deciding to pay off debt, subtract the projected income earned on the investment to calculate a net savings. If deciding to invest, subtract the projected interest paid off on the debt to calculate net savings. The Rule of 72 is a simple financial rule that simply states that investments will double its initial amount every 72 periods that it is compounded. The formula is written like this: 72/r where: r = the rate of return per period. In other words, an initial amount such as $1000 which has a fixed rate of return of 20% will double itself in just over three and a half years, 72/20 = 3.6. This kind of financial equation is very handy to use when you need to compare investment opportunities or loans such as home loans. The Rule of 72 is commonly used in all areas of personal finance and financial planning,Show MoreRelatedTime Value of Money1033 Words   |  5 PagesTime Value of Money (TVM), developed by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202, is an important concept in financial management. It can be used to compare investment alternatives and to solve problems involving loans, mortgages, leases, savings, and annuities. TVM is based on the concept that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. That is mainly because money held today can be invested and earn interest. A key concept of TVM is that a single sum of money or a series of equal,Read MoreTime Value of Money967 Words   |  4 PagesTime Value of Money The time value of money relates to many activities and decision in the financial world. â€Å"Understanding the effective rate on a business loan, the mortgage payment in a real estate transaction, or the true return on an investment depends on understanding the time value of money† (Block, Hirt, 2005). The concept of time value of money helps determine how financial assets are valued and how investors establish the rates of return they demand. Many different types of companiesRead MoreTime Value of Money2180 Words   |  9 PagesFinance Ââ€" Time Value of Money We earn money to spend it and we save money to spend it in the future. However, for most people spending money in the present time is more desirable since the future is unknown. We can gratify the desire to spend money today rather than in the future by knowing the basic law in finance Ââ€" time value of money. This means that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar at some time in the future. Unfortunately, people very often want to buy things at the present time whichRead MoreTime Value of Money3904 Words   |  16 PagesTime Value of Money Problems 1. What will a deposit of $4,500 at 10% compounded semiannually be worth if left in the bank for six years? a. $8,020.22 b. $7,959.55 c. $8,081.55 d. $8,181.55 2. What will a deposit of $4,500 at 7% annual interest be worth if left in the bank for nine years? a. $8,273.25 b. $8,385.78 c. $8,279.23 d. $7,723.25 3. What will a deposit of $4,500 at 12% compounded monthly be worth at the end of 10 years? a. $14,351.80 b. $14,851.80 c. $13,997.40 d. $14Read MoreTime Value of Money5284 Words   |  22 Pages12/9/2012 Chapter 9 The Time Value of Money 1 Chapter 9- Learning Objectives ïÆ' ¼ Identify various types of cash flow patterns (streams) that are observed in business. ïÆ' ¼ Compute (a) the future values and (b) the present values of different cash flow streams, and explain the results. ïÆ' ¼ Compute (a) the return (interest rate) on an investment (loan) and (b) how long it takes to reach a financial goal. ïÆ' ¼ Explain the difference between the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and the Effective Annual RateRead MoreTime Value of Money2092 Words   |  9 PagesTime Value of Money The time value of money (TVM) or, discounted present value, is one of the basic concepts of finance and was developed by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202. The time value of money (TVM) is based on the premise that one will prefer to receive a certain amount of money today than the same amount in the future, all else equal. As a result, when one deposits money in a bank account, one demands (and earns) interest. Money received today is more valuable than money received in the futureRead MoreTime Value of Money2124 Words   |  9 PagesTime Value of Money: Simple Interest versus Compound Interest Outline I. Applications of Time Value of Money 1.1 Example One 1.2 Example Two 2. Interest 2.1 What is Interest? 2.2 Three Variables of Interest 1. Principal 2. Interest Rate 3. Time 2.3 Why is Interest Charged? 3. Simple Interest 3.1 What is Simple Interest? 3.2 Simple Interest Formula 4. Compound Interest 4.1 What is Compound Interest? 4.2 Compound Interest Formula Read MoreTime Value of Money712 Words   |  3 Pageswill pay the bank over the life of the loan? $123,945.04 4. What is the effective rate of interest on a CD that has a nominal rate of 7.25 percent with interest compounded monthly? EAR = (1+.0725/12)^12 – 1 = 7.5% 5. What is the future value of $4,950 placed in a saving account for six years if the account pays 3%, compounded quarterly? PV = 4,950 N = 6 x 4 = 24 I =3/4 = .75% Pmt = - FV = $5,922.24 6. Your firm, Vandelay Industries, has just leased a $32,000 BMW for youRead MoreTime Value of Money and Present Value1154 Words   |  5 Pagescollege 15 years from today and the other will begin 17 years from today. You estimate your children’s college expenses to be $23,000 per year per child, payable at the beginning of each school year. The annual interest rate is 5.5 percent. How much money must you deposit in account each year to fund your children’s education? Your deposits begin one year from today. You will make your last deposit when your oldest child enters college. Assume four years of college Solution: Cost of 1 year atRead MoreTime Value of Money Essay708 Words   |  3 PagesTime Value of Money Project Show all your work! Name _________________ 1. If Mrs. Beach wanted to invest a lump sum of money today to have $100,000 when she retired at 65 (she is 40 years old today) how much of a deposit would she have to make if the interest rate on the C.D. was 5%? a. What would Mrs. Beach have to deposit if she were to use high quality corporate bonds an earned an average rate of return of 7%. b. What would Mrs. Beach have to deposit if she

Essay Personal Perseverance in the Works of Maya Angelou

Personal Perseverance in the Works of Maya Angelou Internationally respected brilliant poet, historian, and author Maya Angelou says in all my work I try to tell the human truth-what it is like to be human...what makes us stumble and fumbleand fall and somehow miraculously rise and go on from the darkness and into the light (Ebony 96). This theme is consistently exemplified throughout Angelous greatly acclaimed autobiographical worksand poems such as I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Gather Together in my Name, Still I Rise and Phenomenal Women. All of these books depict the true-life stories of Ms. Maya Angelous tragedies, and there dreadful conditions she had encountered in her youth. But in all of Angelous novels and†¦show more content†¦Throughout Angelous autobiography she consistently returns to the subject of her calamitous rape the racial hatred that left Angelou in a horrible emotional state, and, as well, left her feeling helpless and trapped , not understanding who she really was. Angelous will to never stay a pri soner, to never stay quit and to fly away from that horrible life is also expressed in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, where she writes the bird that stalks down the narrow cage can seldomthrough his bars of rage his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing (86). In 1937 Angelou stopped talking and became mute following her rape.Instead she became an observer of everything around her,including the racial divisions of her town. Angelous knapsack of misery is illustrated in this book as well as the pain of her self discovery, and, most of al, the book depicts the love and joy of being and understanding of who she was and is: a strong, black, beautiful women. Maya Angelous poems, collected in volumes such as Still I Rise and Phenomenal Women have received great critical acclaim. These poems briefly summarize the hardship Angelou has encountered. But once again she leaves the reader spellbound with her unwillingness to stay down and her overwhelming strenth. Angelou write in the poem Still I Rise: You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me inShow MoreRelatedThe Poetry Pundits : Racism1197 Words   |  5 PagesPoetry Pundits. I’m your host Max Millis, and in today’s podcast I will be analysing two poems by acclaimed American poet, storyteller, activist, and autobiographer, Maya Angelou. Angelou spent most of her childhood in Arkansas, and as an African American, experienced firsthand racial prejudices and discrimination at an early age. Angelou sadly passed in 2014; however she will forever be remembered as a prolific and widely-read poet, whose poetry was lauded for its influential depictions of black beautyRead MoreUxt Task 1945 Words   |  4 Pagesreading, â€Å"Still I Rise†, by Maya Angelou, I immediately get a sense of perseverance and pride. The author seems to be addressing her adversaries directly through her words. I love the imagery used in this poem. I can almost see the dust rising and can feel the swelling of the black ocean that the author mentions. â€Å"Cause I walk like I got oil wells pumping in my living room†(Angelou, 1978), and, â€Å"Laugh like I’ve got gold mines diggin’ in my own back yard† (Angelou, 1978), tells me that the authorRead MoreMaya Angelou: A Model Woman Through Influential Literature Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluence on society itself. Maya Angelou is a great example of the model woman. She has beaten the odds and has become one of the most well known African American women of today. She is an author, poet, historian, songwriter, playwright, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. Her most influential work comes from her extraordinary books and poems. Her literature has influenced the young and old with their contents. Maya Angelous literary significanceRead MoreThe Rhetorical Analysis Of Mary Crow Dog And Graduation By Maya Angelou1640 Words   |  7 PagesCrow Dog and Maya Angelou are both effective rhetors because their rhetorical situations work together to make their essays compelling. â€Å"Civilize Them with a Stick† by Mary Crow Dog and â€Å"Graduation† by Maya Angelou each introduce effective rhetorical situations as they establish their individual identity through their educational experiences. â€Å"Civilize Them with a Stick† by Mary Crow Dog and â€Å"Graduation† by Maya Angelou are each experts of autobiographies written about their own personal experienceRead MoreGraduation Speech By Maya Angelou1566 Words   |  7 Pagescelebration along with a grand commencement among family, friends, and peers. Maya Angelou’s, â€Å"Graduation†, is about a young African American girl, who is excited and proud of her academic achievements. She strives to bring the reader into her world, while looking forward to her grand commencement. There is no doubt that Maya Angelou is a fantastic writer and by her standards, â€Å"Graduation† is an amazing piece of writing and what Angelou does best is evoke feelings and empathy from her readers. By relatingRead MoreWho Is The Most Important For My Profession?1131 Words   |  5 PagesDepending on whom you ask, the most important virtue for someone to possess will vary. Maya Angelou strongly believed that it was courage1. Contrary, Bernard of Clairvaux was very adamant that it was humility1. Taking a look into their backgrounds, Maya Angelou was an author, poet and civil rights activist (bio., 2). It takes courage to speak your mind and actively fight for something that you believe in, especially when you know that there are many people who don’t agree with your way of thinkingRead MoreThe Prevalence of Inequality in Sports Essay example1003 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay, I plan to explore two types of inequality that are associated with sports- racial and gender. Take a look at an excerpt from Maya Angelou’s autobiography entitled, â€Å"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings† The unsettling; apprehensive mood was set, everybody at a local general store just sitting anxiously over the outcome of a boxing match. Angelou writes with such clarity for us to comprehend how significant it was that Joe Louis wins, â€Å"My race groaned. It was our people falling. It wasRead MoreEthical Dilemm Ethics And Values1339 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Dilemma (noun) a choice between two options, both of which will bring a negative result based on society and personal guidelines. Everyone encounters ethical dilemmas it is the reaction to the ethical dilemma that defines their character. For me I think a person s ethics and values really show who they are as a person and their character Coach Lantz walked up to me to check how I was feeling. My shins were throbbing with pain from the warm-up lap. My anxiety began then my heart startedRead MoreEssay on Phillis Wheatley1643 Words   |  7 Pageseight. It was undoubtedly here where she was first exposed to the harsh conditions of the South. On the quot;stalls and auction blocks at the slave marketquot;, a wealthy Caucasian woman, named Susannah Wheatley purchased Phillis as quot;her personal servant and companionquot; (Loggins,98). Phillis Wheatley acquired her last name from Susannah Wheatley--it was the norm during this time period for slave owners to give their slaves their last names. She was named Phillis ironically quot;after

Zoroastrian Mythology Free Essays

string(58) " the person has done righteous deeds, and goes to heaven\." Myth Zoroastrianism was founded by Zarathustra (also known as Zoroaster) between 8000 and 2500 years ago. He lived in northeast Persian (Iran) near the border of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan and was born on the banks of the Daraja River. He is considered by some to be the world’s First Prophet and is credited with the invention of the concept. We will write a custom essay sample on Zoroastrian Mythology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Zarathustra faced few difficulties when it came to gaining adherents to his new religion, and quickly amassed a great number of them in the early days. Zarathusa composed the Zoroastrian holy hymns called the Gathas, seventeen of which remain today. However, scholars believe that many more were written by him that were lost in the ages. The holy book of Zoroastrianism is the Avesta. When people refer to the Zend Avesta, they mean the Avesta plus the later commentary added during the Sassanian Dynasty of Persia (226 BCE to 651 CE). The Gathas of the Avesta were said to have been divinely inspired, and Zarathustra received a total of seven visions from the Amesha Spentas (â€Å"Beneficent Immortals,† or sometimes rendered as ArchAngels). Ahura Mazda is the supreme god of Zoroastrianism. The god of Goodness and Light, he is mainly symbolised with fire. There exists conflict between him and Angra Maiyu (Ahriman), who is the arch-nemesis â€Å"The Lie†. Zoroastrians believe that every human is born with a Fravahi, a Guardian Spirit, which helps a person distinguish Right from Wrong. However, since humans have Free Will, they have a choice. This means that actively choosing Right is entirely up to each person themselves. Although operating in the same domain, the Fravashi are distinguished as being different from conscience. They both exist in a psychic region that is mysterious and profound, because although the Right and Wrong are learned from the teachings of this religion, big moral decisions such as murder and theft are condemned by religions of all backgrounds and thus are different. Originally, Ahura Mazda created only a spiritual world, Menog. However, the Fravashis pleaded that Ahura Mazda give the world physicality so that they would become capable of action. Although Ahura Mazda warned them that through the creation of a material world, Evil and Death would enter into Creation, he later relented and altered Menog so that it became Getig, the physical world we live in. The Amesha Spentas, or Beneficent Immortals, were originally envisioned by Zarathustra as attributes of the supreme god Ahura Mazda, but over time Zoroastrians began imagining these ideas in bodily forms. For example, Kshathra Vairya, the spirit of Strength and Dominion, can also be interpreted as the positive trait of natural leadership able to be inwardly cultivated by humans. Other attributes-turned-deities include: Conscience, Victory, Wind, Rain, as well as a few local geographical features, like mountains or rivers. The Haoma, a plant sacred to Zoroastrians, is also personified as a deity. Zoroastrianism incorporated older religions into its belief system. Mithra, an ancient pagan god from the pre-Zarathustra days, became known as the deity of Heavenly Light. The concept of Good and Evil is debated in the religion. Some say it existed before the beginning of the material world, while others say that it is absent from the rest of Creation, and exists only in the human heart. The Renewal Of The World is the correct Zoroastrian term for The End Of The World. They believe that at that time, the dead will rise and the wicked shall be purified and all will live in peace and harmony. Before that blessed event can occur, there is to be an end to the battle of Good versus Evil. The Good Forces will be led by three Saviors known as the Sashoyant. During or after battle, the world will be destroyed by fire, and according to Zoroastrian scholars (Sherpa), â€Å"molten metal will cover the Earth like water. The Righteous will wade through, but the unrighteous will be consumed by it.† Originally, the Saoshyant was a term that applied only to the followers of Zarathustra who thought this event was at hand; later, the term Saoshyant switched over to the messianic interpretation it has today. In Zoroastrianism, each person possesses an eternal, individual Soul. Everything they think, say and do over the course of their lifetime comprises their soul. At dawn the third day after death, the Soul will meet the three judges: Mithra, Sraosha, and Rashnu. The Soul will then pass to the Chinvat Bridge, where it will meet its Daena (personal guide), which represents their conscience. If the person is deemed to have been good, the Deana will be beautiful with sweet breezes caressing the Soul as it crosses the Chinvat, which will remain broad and easy for them to cross. However, if the person is deemed evil, the Deana will be a grotesque, foul-smelling hag and passage over the Chinvat Bridge will be impossible due to its narrowing, causing the unfaithful to fall and plummet into Hell, which is below the Bridge. Doctrine Zoroastrianism is a highly ethical religion because of the struggle to choose between good and evil, Ahura Mazda or Angra Mainyu. Zoroastrians are taught that humans are free to choose between Right and Wrong, Truth and Lie, Light and Dark, etc., and that the choices they make would ultimately affect their destiny and their eternal afterlife. In the battle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, which has raged for over 12 000 years, Ahura Mazda is said to always have had the upper hand. Belief in the afterlife is taught, and it is determined by the balance of Good and Evil deeds, words, and thoughts. If Good outweighs the Evil, the afterlife achieved is heaven. If the Evil outweighs the Good, then that soul is sent to hell. Hell has different levels dependent on the severity of the person’s actions. When the person dies, the soul goes on a journey on the Chinvat Bridge, along with the guardian spirit. The bridge will widen if the person has done righteous deeds, and goes to heaven. You read "Zoroastrian Mythology" in category "Papers" If it narrows, then the person committed evil deeds, and they fall down into Hell below. They also believe in angels/demons, resurrection of the body, and a messiah figure. The Zoroastrian creed is â€Å"Good Words, Good Thoughts, and Good Deeds.† They recite this creed while tying their kutsi around the sudreh three times, one for each statement. This ritual is practised several times a day with prayer. Ritual The sacrality of fire is one of the most noticeable features of Zoroastrianism. Mnay of their tmples have fires that have been burning continuously for hundreds of years. These consecrated fires often contain fires from as many as sixteen different sources. Of the sources, one has to be lightning, which is seen as fire sent directly from the supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, god of Goodness and Light. Similar to Muslims, Zoroastrians divide their day into five periods; at the end of each period a Zoroastrian will pause to recite the appropriate prayer from their holy book, the Avesta. Divining the future is a Zoroastrian practice that is ritually performed by a early priests who would imbibe the juices of the sacred Haoma plant mixed with milk to obtain visions. In the Avesta, the priestly codes, the prayers, and the teachings of Zoroastrianism (the story of how the early Iranians, an Aryan people, came down out of Southern Russia in search of grazing lands and settled the Iranian plateau) are found. Also listed in the Avesta are â€Å"the 72 Names Of Ahura Mazda† which include: The Sustainer, The Maintainer, The Creator, and The Nourisher. These are ritually memorised and committed to memory by many of the adherents. Traditionally, Zoroastrians follow a holy calender. However, as the few remaining practitioners have become dispersed (most now live in India as the Parsis), there exists three Zoroastrian calenders. This means that their Holy Days fall on different days of the year dependant on which calender is used. There are seven main festivals, with the most important being Navruz, the celebration of fire and Truth. The other six festivals are the Gahambars, which are linked to the agricultural cycle. There is also a movable ceremony, Jashan, that can be used any time of the year to commemorate weddings, house-warmings, or other times of gratitude and happiness. In the past, some ceremonies of Zoroastrianism called for imbibing bull’s urine. Currently, pomegranate juice is substituted. In Zoroastrianism, where there is belief in free will, the Navjote ceremony is held when a child becomes old enough to begin taking responsibility for their own actions. The age for this varies by region, and is held when the child is between the ages of seven and fifteen, dependant on region. All Zoroastrians are required to wear a ceremonial thread around their body, the Kusti, at all times. Special knots on the thread are tied and untied during certain prayers. The Dakhma, or the Tower Of Silence, is one important aspect of traditional Zoroastrianism. This is a building constructed without a roof to which the dead are taken to be devoured by vultures. Since early Zoroastrians viewed death as the most unclean thing imaginable, they abhorred the idea of burying bodies, and because fire was considered holy, they refused cremation as well. Hence, the Dakhma was created. Inside a Dakhma, males corpses are separated from female ones, and bodies of children from those of adults. Another aspect of the death ritual in traditional Zoroastrianism is that a dog is brought to the dead body to look upon the face of the corpse. This is done to verify death and also to drive away evil spirits. Ethics The Zoroastrian religion lays tremendous emphasis on morals and ethics. A Zoroastrian is expected to make a conscious effort every moment of his or her life, to reject all forms of evil and the lie – in thought, word and deed and endeavour at all times to walk on the path of Asha (truth and righteousness). Asha is the Law Immutable, the Law Eternal, the Cosmic Law of Order and Harmony on which the entire Universe is based. It is through Asha that Ahura Mazda created the universe and it is through Asha that mankind will attain perfection and be one with Ahura Mazda. In the Hoshbam prayer we aspire, â€Å"Through the best Asha, through the highest Asha, may we catch sight of Thee (Ahura Mazda), may we approach Thee, pay we be in perfect union with Thee†. It is only by walking on the path of Asha that man can attain union with his maker. The colophon to the Yasna is quite explicit on this point, â€Å"There is but one path, that of Asha, all other paths are false paths†. According to Zoroastrianism, it is the sum total of a man’s thoughts, words and deeds which will determine the fate of his soul in the other world – it is these thoughts, words and deeds, good or bad, which will lead his soul either to he gates of heaven or to the pathway of hell. The Zoroastrian scriptures enumerate a number of virtues, which a Zoroastrian should aspire and endeavour to cultivate and imbibe, and a number of vices from which he should guard himself and struggle to keep away. Some of the virtues (not necessarily in the order of importance) are as follows: Unflinching faith, devotion and love for Ahura Mazda and His prophet, Zarathushtra; Offering the Faraziyat (obligatory) prayers and thanking Ahura Mazda, the Amesha Spentas and Yazatas for Their Grace and Bounty; Observing and upholding all the tenets and traditions of the religion and community, Speaking the Truth always. According to Herodotus, the Persians laid great stress on speaking the truth, riding a horse and archery and this formed the basic education for all Persian children. According to Yasna 31.19 â€Å"A truth-speaker receives honour and is a master without fear†, while according to the Sarosh Yasht Hadokht, â€Å"By speaking true words we receive many victories; Moderation in matters of food, drink and other worldly pleasures. Neither fasting nor gluttony and neither celibacy nor lechery is desirable; Charity and love for all human beings. Zoroastrianism does not look down upon acquisition of wealth. In fact, wealth is seen to be fundamentally positive, provided it is put to judicious use and used for the well being of others. According to Yasna 43.1 â€Å"He is a good man through whom goodness reaches other persons in all places. God gives such persons greatness; Industry and honest toil. According to Yasna 46.12 â€Å"those who make the world prosperous through good thoughts and honest endeavours are those who live a virtuous life in good thoughts. The Visperad (7.1) also praises, â€Å"industry and courage.† Conversely according to the Visperad (18.2), â€Å"a man who is idle is worthy of hell†; Keep a promise at all cost. In fact Yasna 61.3 strongly advises, â€Å"keep away from a covenant breaker and from one who tampers,† Aspire for higher knowledge and acquire wisdom under a proficient teacher; Respect ones elders and superiors. â€Å"He who does not show respect to an elder will never receive honour† (Yasna 29.6); Honesty and integrity in ones dealings in this world; Forgiveness, mercy and tolerance- According to the Denkard, a good Zoroastrian must strive to make enemies his friends; purify the sinful and make the ignorant well-informed; Sincerely atone for ones sins (committed knowingly or unknowingly) by doing patet. And now for the vices from which a Zoroastrian should guard himself and struggle to keep away: Anger and jealousy- According to the Yasna 49.4 â€Å"Those who promote wrath and jealousy are of evil intellect;† Greed and idleness- Yasna 16.8 warns â€Å"Keep away from the greed of a wicked man†, Arrogance-Little knowledge, power and wealth could makes a man arrogant. Arrogance leads to other vices and the road of ruin. The Ardibehest Yasht warns us to â€Å"keep away from these who have arrogant thoughts†; Sloth – In the Atash Niyayesh 5.11, we pray â€Å"I sleep for the third part of a whole day (i.e. eight hours). May God give me no more sleep so that I can wake up on time.†; Foul language – The Denkard consider use of foul or abusive language as a sin equal to telling lies; Petty and unwarranted quarrels, arguments and violence; Bad company and literature; Malice and vengefulness; Zoroastrians believe that everyone is equal: â€Å"Men and women, rich and poor, and young and old are all seen as equal† (BBC). Abortion- They believe that a soul has been formed when a women is four months and ten days pregnant and believe that abortion is murder. Reincarnation- it is not believed in Zoroastrianism and is foreign/unknown to them. Homosexuality- There is a line in the Vendidad that states that homosexuality is sinful/devil worshipping: â€Å"The man that lies with mankind as man lies with womankind, or as woman lies with mankind, is the man that is a Daeva [demon]; this one is the man that is a worshipper of the Daevas, that is a male paramour of the Daevas.† This means that they would be against it. FUN FACT– they have major beliefs in the Humata Hukhta Hvarshta, which is â€Å"good thoughts, good words, good deeds.† Could not find any reliable sources that talked about alcohol/drug use or suicide and capital abuse and the Zoroastrian view. Personal experience Material Culture The main symbol in Zoroastrianism is the sacred fire. It must burn continually at the fire temple, and needs to be fed at least 5 times a day, along with the 5 prayers a day. Zoroastrians believe that fire purifies and also represents the presence of Ahura Mazda. The Faravahar is the most common symbol in the Zoroastrianism. It reminds the adherents of their purpose in life and to live in the ways of Ahura Mazda. (insert a pic of the faravahar) The imagery of a disc with wings likely originated as a sun with wings. Later, a human torso was added to the symbol. The archer in a feathered robe represents Ashur, an Assryian god. Over time the image became a symbol of the Zoroastrian religion. Presently, the symbol is often used to depict a guardian angel, who would guide dead souls into the afterlife. Social Organisation The Zoroastrian community is divided into two groups: the hereditary priests and the laity. The influential families are those that have members strategically distributed throughout the most important sectors of society, each prepared to support the other in order to ensure family prestige and status. Politically, there is no supreme head of the Zoroastrians in Iran, which had Zoroastrianism as a state religion in the past. In each city, there is a Zoroastrian association known as the â€Å"Anjoman Zardoshtian.† Its governing members are elected by the community. Today the anjoman in Tehran, owing to its location, has developed a position of leadership; however, local affairs are handled by the local anjoman. In addition to these associations, each city has a youth club, which is mainly involved with sports and cultural activities. In Tehran, a Zoroastrian Women’s Association has also been established. Government officials do recognize minority groups such as the Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians. They are permitted to sustain organizations, elect a representative to the Majlis (lower house of Parliament), maintain religious schools, and publish periodicals; however, they are restricted in political activities. Non-Muslims cannot reach command positions in the armed forces and cannot achieve policy-making positions in government. The Zoroastrian community was formerly organized through priest rotation; now it is through appointments and by the influence of the anjoman structure. Formerly there was a katkhoda, a local political leader, and, at the highest level, the kalantar (magistrate) of the entire Zoroastrian community. Social Control. Of concern to the Zoroastrian community are the ritual calendar, the upkeep of the priesthood, and conversion. There is also a conflict between the younger generation and the older one, which is more orthodox. The community is in transition, and the population is attempting to become Westernized. Conflict. Boundaries have always been maintained between the various religious groups such as the Muslims, Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Baha’is, especially under the Islamic government. One of the ways to alleviate intercommunal tension is to allow non-Zoroastrians to enter the fire temples. Muslims have been seen participating in the funerals of Zoroastrian friends. In the past, because of strict Zoroastrian observance of the laws of purity, this was not permitted. Until 1885, the Zoroastrians were subject to various forms of persecution. They were not allowed to wear rings, and their girdles were made of rough canvas. Until 1895, they were not permitted to carry umbrellas or wear glasses or spectacles. Until 1896, they were forced to twist their turbans instead of folding them (Malcolm 1905, 45). How to cite Zoroastrian Mythology, Papers

Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Research Paper Outline free essay sample

Cuban Missile Crisis Essay, Research Paper Outline Entitle the Cuban missile crisisThesis statement the Cuban missile crisis about brought another war to America and a atomic war between the United States and the U.S.S.R Introduction Problem how did the Cuban missile crisis affect American and why did it get down Body What was Kennedy # 8217 ; s reaction to the u-2 surveillance of Cuba How did Kennedy halt the USSR from edifice and finishing the missile base in Cuba What was the over all monetary value the United States had to pay because of their actions Why did Castro desire the USSR to charge a atomic missile base How how was the Bay of Pigs invasion linked to the Cuban missile crisis Decision- gt ; It deterred friendly relationship with Cuba and besides Kennedy had a much closer call to a atomic war so he learned from the experienceMentionsOn the dorsum of the essayCuban Missile Crisis about brought another war to America and a atomic seige between the United States and the USSR but how did it impact America and its people. We will write a custom essay sample on Cuban Missile Crisis Essay Research Paper Outline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page { Cuban missile crisis Internet } When Kennedy received the U-2 surveillance of the Cuban missile site that was under building by the Russians. He was highly disquieted because of the site was so close to America and besides the atomic payloads had a grater scope of travel. They were at the terminal of the 2nd universe war Russia captured most of the u-2 specializers and American captured atomic specializers from Germany. So Kennedy expected that the Russians atomic missile were able to go a longer distance that in bend disquieted Kennedy in the first topographic point, but now since the Russians had a base so near to America. Kennedy had really few options to take from was either an invasion, a direct air work stoppage, or a colony threw the United Nations. ( Encyclopedia Britannica published 1988 ) He tried to decide threw the United Nations because the other two were excessively hazardous the air work stoppage would neglect because of Russians S.A.M sites. He did non desire to travel for a direct work stoppage against Cuba because they tried a few months ago the get out the Communist # 8217 ; s authorities and needed in a complete failure. ( World Book Encyclopedia published 1993 ) The president had to do some kind of discord associating to the atomic missals in Cuba and how to halt the Russians from finishing their atomic silos in Cuba. He was really limited to what he was able to make abort the state of affairs he had three base thoughts an air work stoppage, a direct invasion, or a colony through the United Nations. The takes through the United Nation was the least to do a serous quandary and a reaction to his disition ( Kennedy was fearful of a entire atomic universe war ) . But when the Sovietss dinned that there was any Russian atomic base in Cuba and could non make a comprise. Kennedy did non desire to hold a direct invasion because it might go on like the Bay of Pigs invasion. And an air work stoppage would demo the Russians that they were hostile and might do the Sovietss to establish their missiles at America. ( Cuban missile cyberspace ) After audience with the secretary of defence he decided for a umbilicus encirclement enchantress had the least reverberations in the months to come. ( Encyclopedia americana published 1988For the umbilicus encirclement to work Kennedy needed at least60 % of his conflict ships to environ Cuba and forestall any Soviet ships from making Cuba.After the bay of hogs invasion the Cuban-American relationships were about none excepted, and besides Cuba changed to a Communists state witched did non better relationships but Cuba and America were at least still merchandising with each other but after the Cuban missile crisis thy stooped trading. And now America had a hostile nabor enchantress had some atomic missiles left over from the sovets left Cuba. America neer had a really good relationship with Cuba but now they were hostile, close, and entree the atomic missiles and atomic payloads. The people of Cuba resented America for many old ages after the encirclement and the Cuban missile crises. With more resent maters in head the state of Cuba became resentful of the Soviet Union and expressed hatred towards AmericaCastro wanted Ade from t he Soviet govement because of the resent onslaught on Cuba the boot out the freshly elected communist party but failed. So cast believed that America would seek it once more to acquire rid of the comunist authorities in Cuba besides since there state was communist and America did non desire to merchandise with to Cuba so they had to happen another communist state to merchandise with them because no democratic state would of all time merchandise with a Communist province. So Russia was one of the most obvious dissention because they were Communists and really willing to assist out a fledging state because they would be able to construct a atomic base for the ability to place their missiles closer to the enemy marks ( America and some of Canada ) and the state that they where assisting out would experience safe following to a ace power because that had person backup so up. Cuba other ground was that blast in instance that America invaded Cuba the Cuban people would experience safe because they would hold a ace power endorsing them up.The Bay of Pigs invasion greatly influenced the Cuban missile crisis. The bay of hogs invasion was a program to acquire rid of the Communist party in Cuba via a direct work stoppage Kennedy suspected that the Cuban gorillas would assist them out because of their openness in the work stoppage. Its failure occurred because at the last minute Kennedy recalled the air support strategic land to air missile sites or S.A.M. sites for short. These would do excessively much loss of aircraft and strategic boomers. When the inverted stormed the shores they were unable to progress because of the gun turrets stooped their progress and at the ulterior terminal they had to draw out because of grating lose. This was a really embracing mater because they had lost a grate trade of figure of speechs to a lesser state. The people of Cuba that despised the America turned its disfavor to hatred of America and its people. American would experience the reverberations for the following twosome of old ages.It deterred friendly relationship between Cuba and America besides Kennedy had a much closer touch to entire atomic war carnival. MentionsCuban missile crisis { Internet } October 15, 1999 Uniform resource locator: hypertext transfer protocol: // Americana published in 1988 published by Grolier incorporate { pg. 306-307 }Encyclopedia Britannica Macromedia published in 1995 published by encyclopaedia Britannica incorporated { pg. 358 }The Cuban missile crisis { cyberspace } September 18,1999 URL: hypertext transfer protocol: // Book Encyclopedia published in 1993 published by universe Book incorporated { pg1179 }